Web portal for those who are in love with Greece

What do we know about Greece? We simultaneously know so much and so little! Each of us is well acquainted with Ancient Greece from our school days since ancient history, mythology, architecture, medicine and philosophy underline contemporary sciences. Moreover through numerous movies and documentaries we revel in outstanding works of Homer and Aesop as well as in the most dramatic moments of Greek history starting from our most tender age.

At the same time we have almost no knowledge about contemporary life of Greece, while it is still full of events and achievements like in old days. Aiming to fill the gap and to provide all those who are not indifferent to Greece with reliable and objective information about this country we created www.iLoveGreece.ru web portal which is devoted exclusively to Greece and targeted to Russian-speaking audience.

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What will you find on iLoveGreece.ru?

We have decided to show Greece in all its diversity, to familiarize you with its culture, history, traditions, customs and the life of modern Greeks. The most useful, complete and up-to-date information is presented here in a user-friendly way. IloveGreece.ru is not only a helpful source called to increase your knowledge about Greece, but also a great assistant for those who strives to visit and explore it personally.


The website IloveGreece.ru is developed by dedicated travel experts, independent bloggers, passionate travelers and of course by you, our dear visitors. No doubt we are quite different but we surely have one thing in common, Greece is our passion. We always welcome diverse opinions, unconventional approach to travel and positive communication. We constantly work to improve and expand our project and we hope for your help and support.


Marika Kasiteridi

There comes a time in life when you want to stop, look back and ask yourself what you have done in your life and weather it is worthy of sharing.

I believed there was! So this website appeared and I would like to invite you to join our journey throughout unique and mysterious Greece. The goal of this project is to unite people who are in love with this country and to help them to find out the firsthand news of Greece, to get involved in the history and a daily life of its great nation as well as to give Greeks the opportunity to write about themselves.

We invite you to join this project. Stay with us, share your dreams and possibly together we will manage to discover the unexplored Greece.

+7 (903) 1530012 info@ilovegreece.ru marikakas